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Our training company is made up of active and retired law enforcement firearms instructors from the area of southern Illinois. Combined our instructors and range officers have over 100 years police experience. This includes over 50 years of combined tactical team training and experience. Our staff of instructors have a wide range of experience not only with firearms and tactics, but have multiple instructor certifications. Together, we offer our customers quality training and education.

The members of our team support the Second Amendment of our great Constitution as well as armed citizens. Our mission is to provide quality education and training to improve the knowledge and skill set of each responsible gun owning citizen who chooses to attend our courses. We look to challenge our students while maintaining a safe and responsible training environment.


We live to try and please our customers. We schedule regular courses that can be viewed on our calendar for any person wanting to find a class to attend. We will also hold private events for groups of 10 or more people for those who wish to train with people they know and are comfortable with. We have regular access to a ranges in Franklin and Jefferson County. However, we will travel for private groups if they have suitable classroom space and an area to train safely and legally with firearms.

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